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Weekly Horoscope: December 8-14

By Melanie A. Davis

Weekly Horoscope: December 8-14

It's time to reanalyze your investments and consider where you can give a little more, or, conversely, need to pull back.

We begin the week under two significant celestial occurrences. First, Neptune returns direct in its native domain, Pisces. This planetary shift swings our emotional and mental focus back toward our goals, imagination, and creativity. When retrograde, Neptune encourages a close nurturing and incubating of these ideas. With this faraway planet returning direct, the cosmos gives a green light to move forward. But remember, stargazer. Neptune is a notorious trickster. Make sure you keep your wits about you. There is a difference between pursuing dreams and stepping onto a trapdoor.

At the same time, a potent conjunction of Venus, Pluto, and Ceres happens on the cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius. Venus' domain over love and finances colors the influence of Ceres, a dwarf planet governing what we need to feel nurtured and to nurture others. Pluto's presence in this cosmic mix suggests significant transformation and shifts in energy. It's time to reanalyze your investments and consider where you can give a little more or, conversely, need to pull back.

How will your sign fare this week?

Mars goes retrograde this week, and as the only member of the Zodiac ruled by this nearby red planet, you are bound to feel its effects more strongly. Be prepared for project delays, stalling progress, and decreased energy. These roadblocks are challenging, but they aren't impossible. Try to roll with the celestial punches as best you can, keeping in mind that all of this stagnation is only temporary. Moreover, there is still work that can be done even amidst delays.

As the planet governing action, aggression, and assertion, Mars retrograde presents an opportunity to rest, pull back, and let others take the lead. There are benefits to being in the front of the pack and part of the crowd. One informs the other, Aries.

Aries monthly horoscope

Your ruling planet begins the week in a potent conjunction with Ceres and Pluto on the cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius. Nurturing Ceres' influence over Venus, which governs finances, romance, and self-esteem, indicates a need to recenter and recalibrate with what makes you feel truly fulfilled and safe. In the hustle and bustle of daily life, losing touch with yourself can become all too easy.

Venus' subsequent trek through Aquarius opens creative pathways to invest in yourself and others. While you're typically used to doing things the old-fashioned way, Uranus retrograde's ongoing presence in your celestial domain practically repels any concept of old or traditional. Now is the time to experiment, explore, and enjoy, Taurus. You deserve this and more.

Taurus monthly horoscope

As Mercury retrograde continues its backward path through Sagittarius, its direct opposition to Jupiter retrograde wanes early in the week. However, there is plenty of celestial energy brewing in your forecast even without this Mercury-Jupiter standoff. Most notably, Jupiter retrograde continues its slow trek through your celestial domain in an opposition to the ego-driven Sun.

Your ruling planet's retrograde period invites you to explore new ideas and beliefs about life, success, and prosperity. What does good luck really feel like? What are your parameters for success? Jupiter's opposition to the Sun indicates potential conflict as Jupiter's revelations challenge your previous sense of self and purpose. Try not to let these directional shifts shake you, Gemini. They're all part of your natural evolution.

Gemini monthly horoscope

The week begins with your ruling celestial body, the first-quarter Moon, in conjunction with Saturn. The latter planet's disciplinarian attitude is the perfect accompaniment to this lunar phase, which encourages us to assess our progress and determine whether we should adjust or proceed as normal. With hard-working, responsible Saturn in the mix, it will become easier to answer these questions honestly. Your progress, not your pride, is what's important, Cancer.

By the week's end, a nearly full (but still technically waxing gibbous) Moon conjoins with Uranus retrograde in Taurus. This faraway planet encourages healthy rebellion and pushing against the status quo. Paired with Taurus' steadfast, stubborn energy, the stars offer a guiding light by which you can forge your own path ahead.

Cancer monthly horoscope

The Sun spends the week in direct opposition to Jupiter retrograde, presenting challenges between our ego and new ideas or beliefs. As someone who prides themselves on doing things well on the first try, you require a strong sense of control to feel comfortable in your surroundings. Unfortunately, Jupiter is here to shake your hands free of this control and force you into uncertainty.

Try not to let the experiences of this week dishearten you, Leo. At the end of the day, this is an invaluable opportunity to prove how well you can adapt in uncharted territory. An opposition between your ruling celestial body and a conjunction between the nearly full Moon and Jupiter calls you to confront your fear of mistakes.

Leo monthly horoscope

The stars indicate conflict early in the week as Mercury retrograde forms a challenging square with a conjunction of the first-quarter Moon and Saturn. The first-quarter lunar phase encourages us to analyze our progress on our life path and determine whether we should adjust or proceed as usual. These types of minor check-ins can prevent greater heartache down the road.

With Saturn in the mix, the stars suggest that Mercurian mishaps might be noticeably more difficult. Remember, Virgo: difficult does not mean impossible. Avoid holding yourself to unrealistic standards of time or significance. Despite what your pride might like to think, you can only tackle one major obligation at a time. Give yourself room to breathe. There's time to get it all done.

Virgo monthly horoscope

Venus begins the week in a potent conjunction with Pluto and Ceres on the cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius. There is a time for work, and there's a time for play. Make sure you're enjoying the latter as much as you are dedicating yourself to the former, Libra. Ceres' presence in this alignment indicates a need to find ways to nurture yourself while you work on helping others.

Your ruling planet ends the week in an auspicious trine with a nearly full Moon, increasing emotional clarity, particularly regarding love, finances, or self-esteem. Our internal cues can reveal far more about our external world than we often think. Make sure you're listening when they pop up.

Libra monthly horoscope

Your ruling planet, Pluto, begins the week in the middle of a powerful conjunction of Venus and Ceres on the cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius. Ceres and Venus' coinciding energies point to finding ways to emotionally and financially invest in yourself and your loved ones. If you don't have the motivation to do something for your own sake, consider how these choices could uplift your immediate community, Scorpio. Therein should lie sufficient motivation.

By the week's end, Haumea forms a challenging square with Ceres. Haumea is another notable dwarf planet that influences our instincts and intuition. A negative alignment like this suggests you know the investments you need to make, but you're holding yourself back for some reason.

Scorpio monthly horoscope

Jupiter retrograde spends the week in direct opposition to the Sun in Gemini and Sagittarius, respectively. This celestial standoff indicates potential conflict in how our ego relates to our perspective of the world around us. Placing your self-worth in external factors like your community, friend group, or job is a recipe for disaster. These parts of your life can enrich you, sure.

But your significance as an individual comes from within you, not from outside of you. Keep this in mind as your retrograde ruling planet reveals new findings, including the good and the bad. A conjunction between Jupiter retrograde and a nearly full Moon over the weekend increases emotional clarity, allowing you to better acquaint your conscious and subconscious selves.

Sagittarius monthly horoscope

Your ruling planet, Saturn, starts the week in conjunction with the first-quarter Moon in Pisces. As the lunar phase calls you to analyze your progress thus far and determine whether you should adjust or proceed, you might find that you haven't gotten as far as you'd like down your life path. Luckily, your disciplinarian governing planet provides ample motivation to keep pushing forward even when giving up feels like the easier option.

One way or another, you'll have to do some work to get where you want to be. You can put that work off and put yourself further behind or trudge ahead whether or not you feel like it. Surely, someone as pragmatic as you doesn't need to be told which option is better, Capricorn.

Capricorn monthly horoscope

The week begins with a conjunction of Pluto, Venus, and Ceres on the cusp of Capricorn and your sign. The stars increase emotional and mental focus on investing in yourself or your loved ones (which, in most cases, tends to benefit the other in the long run). Venus' subsequent trek through your sign deepens your connection to goals surrounding love, finances, and your own self-image.

The Moon offers even more inner clarity as a nearly full waxing gibbous conjoins with your ruling planet, Uranus retrograde, in Taurus. With your ruling planet pushing for healthy rebellion and resisting the status quo, Taurus provides fortitude and resolve in the face of conflict. Blazing your own trail often means walking it alone, Aquarius.

Aquarius monthly horoscope

Your ruling planet goes direct this week, ending its longstanding retrograde period that encouraged you to nurture and incubate your goals, dreams, and ambitions. Now that your governing celestial body is no longer retrograde, the stars push your emotional and mental focus outward. You've worked on determining what your ambitions are. Now, what can you do to achieve them?

Uranus retrograde's ongoing sextile with Neptune offers a helping hand. With the former planet pushing against the status quo, the cosmos invites you to reimagine your sense of identity. Most of life's progress requires us to fake it 'til we make it, Pisces. If you imagine yourself to be more successful and confident, these attributes can more easily manifest into your reality.

Pisces monthly horoscope

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