What is asks: Shall Section 130 of the Boulder Home Rule Charter be amended to authorize City Council to set the terms and criteria of board and commission members and amend the language regarding removal of board and commission members as more specifically provided in Ordinance 8639?
What it means: The measure would give council members the power to change terms, eligibility and meeting schedules by ordinance for city boards and commissions that don't have enabling charter sections. Exceptions would be the Arts Commission, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, the Open Space Board of Trustees and the Planning Board, which all have individual charter sections. Additionally, the measure would broaden the council's ability to remove members from boards.
What supporters say: A 2023 boards and commissions assessment recommended changes, including those that would broaden participation by removing barriers. For the City Council to make those recommended changes, the charter first needs to be changed to allow for more flexibility in the composition and operations of the boards and commissions.