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President Elect Trump This Is How You Lower Grocery Prices - Conservative Angle

President Elect Trump This Is How You Lower Grocery Prices - Conservative Angle

McKinley, Coolidge, Reagan. Be a Republican Donald Trump.

Bill, we are going to have to dust off the loyal Jews and Christians

and our German benefactors for a guy called Trump in 2025.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is frustrated like all of you as once again President Elect Donald Trump has begun his familiar course of 2016 in walking back his promises. The Lame Cherry has invested an amount of effort, being poor and needy, to explaining who Trumpenomics would work. I will once again in this situation explain how the President Elect can indeed lower grocery prices as Ronald Reagan as President did just this. IT IS CALLED DEFLATION.

I'm trying to me most respectful in this as Donald Trump is making excuses and that is either he is ignorant of economics or he is answering to the wealthy who he traded with the election for.

I will provide a list of actual actions the President can do on DAY ON.

1. Barack Hussein Obama rigged the energy sector for foreigners in that green energy scam where Europeans got paid subsidies to put up wind and solar farms, and as Obama shut down coal electricity to drive up the price of electricity, Obama then in an illegal monopoly forced American energy to buy 40% of their electricity from this green syndicate. That is why Americans electric bills tripled.

End the order for this green 40% and that drops consumer prices by 2/3rds and it lowers grocery stores electric bills by 2/3rds.

2. End the USDA mass murdering of chickens and livestock due to "bird flu" which is a fraud and wastes millions of animals, causing spikes in consumer prices. The way this is handled is, remove the infected animals, and let God's Nature cause natural immunity, and no more bird flu problems.

3. Direct the USDA to stop the production of soybeans for China and covert those millions of acres into wheat, oats, potatoes etc.... that Americans eat. Over production will lower prices.

4. Appoint Bobby Kennedy's vice president to head a small family farm promotion to put efficiency into food production and end this farm slavery which big farmers farm for chemical fertilizer, John Deere, and chemical weed production in Bayer.

5.It will not work to drill baby drill when Exxon has just stated they will take American natural gas for this ludicrous AI expansion. You mandate Thorium generators which America had but Richard Nixon shut down for the uranium bomb making syndicate.

6. Deport those 50 million invader eaters and you have 50 million less people on food stamps, and not eating American food, which creates a surplus.

7. Bonus the free market. Reward in corporate taxes the number of bags of things food manufacturers sell in like volume, reorienting their profit focus by penalty. Why is it that Barrel O Fun of Minnesota can produce a bag of chips for 2.50 a bag and Doritos of Texas costs 7 dollars a bag? It is called free markets. Make hedgefund fag Doritos join the free market and not communist welfare.

8.Remove all these Goddamn regulations from small farmers, truckers, small mills etc.. that ruin their ability to compete with this Metro Man world which the President Elect represents.

9. Eliminate the Income Tax for Americans who are not your Metro Man millionaires. You put on your tariffs as President McKinley did, you have Elon Musk cut spending and you stop using the excuse that poor Americans are responsible for the corruption of DC spending.

10. Remove all food from being taxed.

President Ronald Reagan without all of your tools Mr. Trump, created deflation in America. If your people do not comprehend how to do the above, they are either shills or idiots. Dust off David Stockman and turn him loose on the above with executive action powers.

Get rid of Obama communism. Get rid of Bush internationalism and you create deflation.

That is all the free advice Mr. President Elect you have paid for as you never bothered to say thank you from 2016's miracle time line which this blog wrote by God's Grace.

Mr. President elect, you are not going to be allowed to speak things unchallenged as we experienced your shell game before and you either complete what you promised or an invasion by Russia and China will place a new leader into America.

As your Zionists, your Jews and your Swammies have told you this is hard, you need to get people who are Jews like Milton Friedman, Christians like David Stockman and the Germans as they made this work for Ronald Reagan.

If you can not do the job which Americans trusted you with in electing you three times, then hand this over to JD Vance as he has got the German part right.

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