Health professionals in the UK have warned it's "now or never" to step up for a crucial winter jab amid worries of a looming "quademic". The NHS is calling urgently on the public to get their flu shots promptly, ensuring protection in time for the festive season.
Recent stats have revealed the NHS is grappling with unprecedented strain, noting a staggering 350 percent spike in hospital flu cases compared to last year's same period. On average, last week saw 1,099 daily hospitalisations due to the flu, compared to 243 daily cases the prior year - marking the most severe pre-winter surge in three or more years.
An expert has raised the alarm on the "skyrocketing" flu incidences, specifically affecting youngsters and the elderly most severely. According to data from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), flu rates are soaring particularly in the five to 14 age demographic.
For those aiming for full immunization by Christmas, the deadline for vaccination is today (December 11), since the flu jab takes two weeks to provide the best defence against illness. More than 27 million inoculations against flu, COVID-19, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) have been administered already across England; nonetheless, the NHS continues to appeal for more individuals to step forward and safeguard themselves and their loved ones during the holiday period.
In addition to flu, the rising numbers of Covid, RSV, and norovirus infections might trigger a dreaded "quademic" scenario in the UK. Professor Sir Stephen Powis, national medical director for NHS England, has issued a stark warning as flu cases surge: "Flu cases are skyrocketing so it's now or never for older people and children to get themselves jabbed and protected ahead of any family get-togethers they have planned over the festive period."
He emphasised the importance of vaccination, stating: "Every Christmas we see far too many older adults and children admitted to hospital because of flu, and the best way to avoid this situation is getting your flu jab if you are eligible."
Powis highlighted that, "the flu vaccine is our best defence against winter viruses, and it also helps to reduce pressure on hospitals and hard-working NHS staff who will be working flat out over the Christmas break."
He urged those eligible to act swiftly: "So I would urge anyone who's eligible to add booking their flu jab to their list of things to do in the run up to Christmas so they can protect themselves and their families this December". While the deadline for booking COVID-19 and flu vaccination appointments through the NHS online booking system, NHS App, and 119 phone service is 19 December, Powis reassured that it's not too late to get vaccinated.
After this date, vaccinations can still be booked through local NHS services such as pharmacies or walk-in sites, although availability may be reduced. The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation has outlined the eligibility criteria for this year's flu vaccine which includes:
Pregnant women All children aged two or three years on 31 August 2024 Primary school aged children (from reception to year 6) Secondary school aged children (from year 7 to year 11) All children in clinical risk groups aged from six months to less than 18 years Those aged 65 years and over Those aged 18 years to under 65 years in clinical risk groups Those in long-stay residential care homes Carers in receipt of carer's allowance, or those who are the main carer of an elderly or disabled person Close contacts of immunocompromised individuals Frontline workers in a social care setting without an employer led occupational health scheme including those working for a registered residential care or nursing home, registered domiciliary care providers, voluntary managed hospice providers and those who receive direct payments (personal budgets) or personal health budgets, such as personal assistants All NHS frontline health workers have also been offered the COVID-19 and flu vaccines, and encouraged to protect themselves and those they care for.
This month, for the first time ever, the NHS is also offering the RSV vaccine to pregnant women from 28 weeks and older adults aged 75 to 79. Pregnant women are encouraged to book their vaccine via their maternity service or GP practice and older adults should wait to be invited by the NHS.