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CDART: Find Proteins with Similar Domain Architecture - NCBI Insights

CDART: Find Proteins with Similar Domain Architecture - NCBI Insights

Are you interested in comparing gene families or exploring the evolution of domain architecture? Try our Conserved Domain Architecture Retrieval Tool (CDART) to retrieve sets of proteins that share the same or similar domain superfamily architecture with your query. We recently updated CDART so it's faster and more streamlined with simplified navigation and result filtering.

Check out this example:

The image below shows the redesigned result page when queried with accession NP_002917. The query sequence is always shown as the top row with yellow background, while similar architectures are sorted first by similarity score (the number of distinct domain superfamilies shared with the query) and by the number of non-identical protein sequences assigned to the architecture. A representative protein from each architecture is used to name that architecture, and the taxonomy spanned by proteins in the architecture is displayed as well.

Figure: Redesigned CDART result page when queried with accession NP_002917.

The center column illustrates relative positions and sizes of domain superfamily footprints on the representative protein of each architecture. These graphs are drawn on a uniform scale and aligned for visual comparison. Domain superfamilies are distinguished by combination of shape and color; placing the mouse pointer over a domain/superfamily balloon will reveal the detailed description of that domain or superfamily in a pop-up message (as shown).

The right column contains links to retrieve all sequences assigned to an architecture. To avoid leaving the navigation page, right-click and open the link in a separate window.

If the query has many similar architectures (it usually does), the results are paginated to display 10 architectures per page. Use controls at the bottom to navigate through the results. You may also filter results based on the presence or absence of particular superfamily footprints. See our help documentation for details.

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If you have questions or would like to provide feedback, please reach out to us at [email protected].

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