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Foreign Agents in America - Conservative Angle

Foreign Agents in America - Conservative Angle

On Page 25 of Volume 2 of my Conspiracy series, I wrote how my mother's nurse in the Covid ward of the hospital was from Wuhan said, "The Chinese Ministry of Health assigns me where to go." In the same city as the hospital, at the rehab facility, mother's physical therapist said he was from Siberia. Shortly thereafter, the woman at the front of the main grocery store (named Marina) said she was from Siberia, and about the same time, a woman from Siberia came to work for Wells Fargo. She was not just a teller but a "personal banker." This means when directed from Communist Moscow she could cause significant damage to the customers at Wells Fargo and others in the U.S.

This same hospital to which the Chinese nurse from Wuhan was assigned also had 16 nurses (agents) from Nepal assigned. Nepal is close to where the descendants from Atlantis supposedly settled. Former N.C. Gov. Jim Hunt was a Ford Foundation Fellow to Nepal. All of this is not coincidental as the Hunt Institute at NC State University is where the disastrous education program Common Core was developed. Hunt also developed a global "Child Health Plan" which included eugenics, as he supported a $1 million elective abortion fund because he said, "We must concentrate on raising new generations of children who aren't stunted or handicapped in some way."

Jim Hunt was controlled by secret Power Elite member Bert Bennett whom Vice-President Hubert Humphrey called, "the Lord God Almighty of politics." Between NCSU, UNC, and Duke University is Research Triangle Park where the National Center for Health Statistics is located and included all American's health statistics which was shared with Moscow. Hunt's oldest son, a lawyer, bought the condominium next to me the better to spy on me. The foreign agents are assigned in many different fields of work all over America and abroad.

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