By winning TIME magazine's Best Innovation Award, the DESI project has confirmed its major role in astronomy.
This prestigious award highlights the creation of the largest-ever three-dimensional map of the universe, documenting the distances of six million galaxies. The project uses the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) to explore dark energy, a mysterious force responsible for the accelerated expansion of the universe.
Bertin Technologies, through its brand Bertin Winlight, has made a key contribution to this project, which the Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory leads. In collaboration with the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille (LAM) and the Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives (CEA), Bertin Winlight manufactured, integrated and tested ten spectrographs used by DESI. These instruments have been crucial in analysing the data collected, enabling significant advances in our understanding of the universe.
TIME's Best Innovation Award underlines the importance of this international collaboration and the significant contributions of Bertin Technologies to the field of astronomy and cosmology. The DESI project continues to provide valuable data, strengthening current cosmological models and paving the way for new scientific discoveries.
Discover the vision of DESI director Michael Levi: DESI 3D Map of the Universe: the 200 Best Inventions of 2024 | TIME
To know more about the contribution of Bertin Technologies : Bertin Winlight invited to an international gathering on the encouraging results of the DESI instrument - Bertin Technologies