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Memorial Opera House to host Veterans Day concert

By Joseph S. Pete

Memorial Opera House to host Veterans Day concert

Memorial Opera House in Valparaiso will stage a special Veterans Day concert this year to honor those who served.

South Shore Orchestra will perform "Symphonic Tribute: A Salute to our Heroes" at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 11 at the Memorial Opera House at 104 Indiana Ave. The concert is part of the orchestra's 20th anniversary season.

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"This Veterans Day, Memorial Opera House celebrates the service of our veterans on its 131st birthday," the performing arts center said in a news release. "Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War will begin the performance by posting the colors. Led by conductor Troy Webdell, the program will feature a dynamic array of pieces. This orchestral celebration is a heartfelt tribute to all who have served and a reminder of the freedoms they have fought to protect. Please join Memorial Opera House as we bring in our 131st year of quality performances with a special dedication by South Shore Orchestra. Symphonic Tribute will salute the service of our veterans and celebrate the anniversary of our venue with a concert performance of classic and contemporary American music -- as well as patriotic favorites."

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The Memorial Opera House was built as a Grand Army of the Republic Hall to honor veterans -- initially Civil War veterans and then all veterans.

"Built in 1893, Memorial Opera House was dedicated on Veterans Day to the soldiers lost in the Civil War," the opera house said in the news release. "We know how proud our veterans are of their service to our nation and we are equally proud to give back to our veterans in any way we can. We are happy to offer attendance to this event free to all veterans as a humble token of our esteem."

For more information, visit, call 219-548-9137 or visit

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