Vivid News Wave

Spotlight on Climate: Got insurance? Climate change drives up costs

Spotlight on Climate: Got insurance? Climate change drives up costs

Do you have fire or flood insurance for your home or business? In some communities such insurance is getting harder to come by. In parts of California, fire insurance is no longer available. In Florida, insurance companies are closing up shop completely because of repeated and overwhelming hurricane costs. A recent Nextdoor conversation suggested that some folks in Flagstaff are having a hard time finding fire insurance. How can we move forward to manage the new risks and costs brought on by climate change?

As the Chief Claims Officer for a large insurance agency network, I see the pressures mounting on the industry and on consumers like you. Since insurance companies are in the business of assessing risks and costs, our industry has been at the forefront of assessing the huge impacts of climate change. For you, the consumer, what you want is an insurance company that will cover your risks and costs as completely as possible for the lowest possible premium. To do this, insurance companies need to assess the risks and costs and charge consumers the appropriate premium, so that they can cover your costs when losses happen.

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