Vivid News Wave

20 Brutal Wedding Disasters From 2024 I Personally Can't Believe People Survived

20 Brutal Wedding Disasters From 2024 I Personally Can't Believe People Survived

This past year, we wrote a number of posts about the wildest things people have ever seen at weddings.

Their experiences were trulyyyyy shocking. I cannot FATHOM being a witness to any of these bizarre, I wouldn't attend another wedding ever again.

So, here are some of the most wild things people saw at weddings in 2024:

1."It was my brother-in-law's wedding (it was his second wedding because he had cheated on his long-time spouse with another woman from business school). As fate would have it, his second wedding was to this woman from business school. Understandably, her family knew nothing about his previous marriage or the extent of his infidelity (or that she was a 'home wrecker'). During the best man's speech, his best friend from childhood accidentally called his new wife by the previous wife's name (not once, but twice). They both had to face the 'shame' of their past indiscretions to all of their family and friends on the night of their wedding."

"She rushed away, fuming, to hide in the bathroom, and the photographer, clueless, got a picture of her as an 'action shot.' It ended up being the cover photo of their virtual wedding album.

It was beautiful karmic justice and the wildest thing I've ever seen at a wedding. It was definitely the worst thing the new bride had also seen at a wedding, but if you make your bed, you gotta lay in it."

-- u/Jahleesi

2."The first wedding I ever attended as an adult was last year. I was a plus one to a friend from high school's friend who was marrying her high school boyfriend. For context I literally didn't know anyone there -- I was just a date for a friend who needed one. The ceremony went well -- it was a lovely wedding. Fast forward to the reception at this big estate type of house with a lovely garden and pool. The mother of the groom got absolutely drunk and was becoming increasingly intense as the night went on. It came around time to cut the cake, and the mother of the groom was nowhere to be seen. At the same time this is happening, we all hear yelling from outside, walked out the doors, and lo and behold, she was fully naked in the pool, borderline drowning. Her husband had to jump in to get her out while we all averted our eyes. It was most certainly a very eventful first wedding."

-- u/milakittenx

3."At a relative's wedding, the groom's ex showed up and revealed he had a son the new bride knew nothing about. The child was conceived while the groom was in a relationship with his bride. The bride did know about the daughter he had fathered while they were 'on a break' with a different woman and thought that was the last of his infidelity. But, it turns out his other ex was also still his 'side-piece.' There was no question that the young boy was actually his son, either -- he looked just like his dad!"

"They did still get married. The flower girl got to meet her new 'brother from another mother,' and they are still married a decade later. She complains she still thinks he cheats on her (he does)."

4."The bride said 'NO' at the altar -- she literally walked back down the aisle and out the door. The groom stood there for a moment and then went to a side room. The minister followed the groom, then came back and said that while the wedding was off, the reception would go forward since the food was already there. It was an awkward reception, and nobody stayed long after eating. Why did they 'want' to get married, you ask? The bride was pregnant, and they thought it was the 'right thing to do.' She decided that pregnancy was not a good reason to marry after all. She had the baby, and they ended up raising the child together (but in a romantic partnership)."

-- u/Lulinda726

5."I was a bridesmaid at my older sister's first wedding when I was just 13 years old (she's been married three times). I got really drunk at the reception, and while I was getting some air outside, her new husband came out and kissed me romantically. He was such a scumbag -- he cheated on my sister, gave her crabs, and went to jail a few times."

-- linaka

6."I went to a wedding where the bridesmaids also wore white. It was an outdoor wedding around sunset, and the sun shined to make it obvious that a bridesmaid was wearing absolutely no undergarments. It was so awkward and everyone talked about it at the reception but ignored it during the ceremony."

-- elisabethefergusone

7."I saw a woman (the 'best friend' of the groom) get drunk and loudly confess to being in love with the groom. The wife even said, 'I fucking knew it, you bitch!' She was escorted out, and everything went as planned. The new wife looked SMUG. You could literally see the 'that bitch is FINALLY getting cut out' running through her head."

-- u/davethapeanut

8."My S.O. told me about a wedding she attended before we met. It was a typical Finnish summer wedding. There was a band, a lot of people, and a lot of booze. The venue had a cloakroom with that low desk at the front. People left their drinks on that desk to go dancing. Children were attending, too. A seven-year-old boy had drank all the drinks from the desk and passed out. He was vomiting and completely unresponsive when the ambulance arrived. He spent the night at the hospital, and child protective services got involved. A 12-year-old girl had noticed the boy's state and informed some adults, who then took the necessary actions."

-- u/wabudo

9."The bride was about five months pregnant. She had a shotgun wedding, as she already had a kid by someone else. Her religious family wasn't about to see that baby be born out of wedlock, too. The reception was meant to be dry because the bride couldn't drink, and it was in a church basement. The groom proceeded to get plastered between the ceremony and reception, and I don't think the bride smiled once. It culminated in a drunk groom verbally fighting with anyone who was within a five-foot radius of him. I left at that point. I didn't even know these people -- I was my best friend's plus one. Apparently, the marriage only lasted a year."

-- u/gogogadgetdumbass

10."I'm the director of catering at a hotel and I have so many stories. But, one of my favorites was when the bride left after dinner was served. She went upstairs to her room because she was tired. She texted her husband and he came up with her and never returned. The party went on. She went back without her husband, saying she needed 'a couple of drinks.' At the end of the night, she went to an after-party at a bar with just the groomsmen. The next day, the bride and groom had breakfast at separate tables."

-- anahirschhorn

11."My sister-in-law (who I barely consider my sister-in-law because we don't speak) got trashed on her wedding night to my brother. She vomited all over herself in her multi-thousand-dollar gown. My entire family had flown from the northeast to the deep south to be there. She hated all of us, didn't invite us to brunch the day after the wedding, then came over to our guest house to be a jerk. They're still together, but I don't know how well it's going."

-- problematik

12."The bride was dead set on wearing not one, but two designer gowns. To finance all of that, there was no heating at the lovely February wedding. They also provided only food and cake for a third of the guests. The food itself was two small patties, white sauce, and about three ounces of cooked chicken. But she did love both her dresses!"

-- u/[deleted]

13."My aunt had a wedding during a tropical storm. The power went out in the church during the ceremony, so it had to be completed in the dark with phone lights. Then, at the reception, which was held in a semi-outdoor space, there were generators to try to get some power up. But it was extremely loud, so you couldn't hear the music or people. Then it rained so hard that water was seeping from the walls and ceilings, flooding a good portion of the reception floor. The final piece? The maid of honor got so drunk that she threw up right at the entrance of the venue, so everyone had to pass by it to enter and leave until they finally found someone to clean it up."

-- u/mookmook00

14."My cousin's wife's brother got super high and drunk at her wedding reception. He got upset about something and then decided he was going to drive home. His dad said absolutely not and took his keys away from him. They ended up eventually getting into a fistfight that made its way out into the parking lot, where the bride's brother punched a car window out. The groomsmen then jumped in to tackle him, there was blood everywhere, they called the cops, and the bride's mother was bawling. The bride's brother ended up getting arrested, and the bridesmaids used their little Tide To Go pens to try and get blood out of groomsmen's suits."

-- u/madicoolcat

15."I was a bridesmaid in a wedding where one of the other bridesmaids had feelings for the groom. She kept going on and on about how similar they were (apparently, this only started right before the wedding). I quietly offered to throw down, but my friend said to ignore her. The bride and groom had talked about it -- I think they ghosted her after the wedding."

-- singingeachtoeach

16."I had a friend from high school who got married pretty young (around 22 years old). It was a lovely wedding and a long reception with a ton of courses. Her parents had a lot of kids and not a lot of money, so this big wedding must have cost them everything. She was their oldest girl -- it was important to them. The bride had always been a lightweight when it came to drinking. When we'd go to parties in high school, she'd be drunk off of one wine cooler, so I was concerned when I saw the way she was drinking at the reception. True to form, she got SO WASTED that she had to be taken away in an ambulance before they even got to dessert. I've never seen anything like it."

"We lost touch for several years after the wedding, but when we reconnected, she was married to someone else. I did not attend her second wedding -- I imagine it was the exact opposite of the first."

-- chrisallen1

17."My grandma attended a summer wedding in the sixties where the groom died of anaphylactic shock. He swallowed a bee during his toast, and it stung him inside his throat ☹️."

-- whale_tail

18."My (ex) best friend showed up with her teenage daughter wearing a white gown and told my new sister-in-law to 'go fuck herself' in front of my new husband. Then, she told my new nephew that he was greedy for asking to take cake back for his girlfriend who just had a baby."

"Then she invited herself to my honeymoon suite hours later, and she was drunk and cried about still not being divorced from her ex and remarried to her boyfriend.

Since I had to wait for a cab before I felt comfortable 'releasing' her, my new husband and I listened to her cry about her life until she was picked up. The cab took 15 minutes, and she stripped down to her underwear (in front of my husband) and got into my suite's hot tub while I quickly used the bathroom (to compose myself). I had to drag her out of my hot tub and send her to the cab soaking wet. Of course, we then needed confirmation from her boyfriend that she was home safe and sound.

She was 43 at my wedding. We still talk, but not as much, and she knows exactly why. She was jealous I was getting married, and she made the lead-up difficult. On the day of the wedding, she lost a friend, and I gained a backbone with her. Yaaaaay lol."

-- u/tothegravewithme

19."The mother of the groom was in floods of tears during the reception, accompanied by the groom's most recent ex. The groom had been shagging her during the engagement, unbeknownst to the bride. The rabbi awkwardly pulled the groom from the dance floor to come and comfort both his mother and his ex. The marriage didn't last."

-- u/Equivalent-Roof-5136

20.And finally, "The bride drank too much champagne on an empty stomach and threw up all over her dress when she was dancing at the reception. I felt so bad for her -- she was distraught. She was so upset and regretted it so much that they organized a smaller 're-do reception a month later, but barely anyone came. She still gets upset if anyone mentions weddings now, and it has to be at least nine years ago. They're divorced now, but I don't think that had anything to do with it."

-- u/SabrinaSpellman1

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