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Mastering the Cosmic Cobra Breath for OBEs |

Mastering the Cosmic Cobra Breath for OBEs |

Paul A Philips - Recently, there has been growing interest in out-of-body experiences (OBEs) and the related altered states of consciousness. Many fascinating individual accounts have been published.

An OBE is where our consciousness separates from the physical body (whether we're alive or dead), giving rise to a totally different reality...

OBEs can be achieved in various ways, such as through near-death experiences, astral projection, quantum travel, deep meditation, yoga, conscious deep breath work, remote viewing, lucid dreaming, using psychoactive drugs and plant-based extractions, etc.

This article focuses on certain practitioners advocating guidance using a particular methodology to achieve the OBE. This methodology, it has been said, can be used to explore the multidimensional layers while consciously traveling through the cosmos and higher realms of existence.

Further, it can also be used to prepare for death.

By gaining mastery over this particular OBE practice, when death occurs as a conscious entity, there are claims that you can go on to achieve liberation through exiting the reincarnation cycle and its entrapment: No longer having to go back to live another lifetime on planet Earth.

There are ways to stop becoming a victim in the Matrix. However, is this a way (the only way?) to completely escape the matrix enslavement?

It then allows the freedom to explore further, go beyond the no longer limiting confines.

Now, at this point, some may be having a difficult time. Some, for instance, may be having difficulty with the idea that there is reincarnation.

To get some further idea about the above, have a look at this article: "What Happens When You Die?" It is recommended that you read it even if you know about and accept reincarnation, as it describes the nature of matrix entrapment.

It presents the case for exiting the reincarnation cycle and escaping the Matrix.

If you are in the know and want to regain your spiritual sovereignty, take back the ownership of your conscious spirit, and experience existences beyond the confines of planet Earth through having control of the afterlife, then this is definitely for you.

Some people may consider life on Earth quite pleasant for them. However, come the next Earth incarnation, maybe, at the metaphorical spin of a wheel or a roll of a dice, can these people be sure that by chance, they can avoid going through a lifetime of overwhelming scenarios of fear, anger, trauma, despair, desperation, abject poverty, frustration, tail chasing existences... And what about the lifetime after that...?

Doesn't it make sense to choose to exit the reincarnation cycle and escape the Matrix once and for all?

The practicing methodologies, inner work for obtaining an OBE, have been based on practices by Paramhansa Yogananda, "The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali," and Lao-Tzu's Tao Te Ching. Other pioneers include Robert Monroe.

In relation to the above masterworks, one aspect to be focused on is the involvement of the dedicated and repeated practice of the Cosmic Cobra Breath (aka the Tantric Kriya Kundalini Prana yam) at nighttime with meditations. More on this later.

The purpose of this is to wake up the dormant Kundalini energy, which, when awakened, will fly like a rocket up from the lower part of the body to the top of the head, bringing about a liberating OBE, causing the practitioner to burst out and away from the confining dimensions of the Matrix.

When practiced patiently and repeatedly over time, it has been said that it trains you to operate your non-physical form, spirit body: You will be able to quantum travel and explore other planets and existences.

Further, with dedication, when you come to die, you will have the willful choice to go and dissipate into the spirit-liberating void: The un-manifested realm, all-encompassing, boundless, limitless..., where you become one with everything and nothing.

This will allow you to exit the reincarnation cycle - the only real way to escape the matrix and its entrapping enslavement.

According to guiding spiritual practitioner Isabella A. Greene, in terms of dedication, contrary to what might be thought by many, you don't have to do 12hr days or live like a monk, well isolated away from the spoils of the so-called real world in a monastery to achieve the release of Kundalini energy to obtain the necessary OBE and the mastery.

However, she emphasizes that you must get past the notion that you're undeserving or untrustworthy... something that the Matrix illusion Archon controls what you buy into to keep you repeatedly coming back into the reincarnation cycle...

Isabella states that the OBE practice she offers is for regular people. The required regular repeated practice of the Cosmic Cobra Breath at nighttime, with meditations and the necessary technique, patience, and dedication, will bring about the intended enlightenment.

Her website The void Academy offers training and practical guidance, as well as her fascinating books on how to exit the reincarnation cycle and escape the Matrix.

Are you ready and willing to take on the journey to have the adventure of your life?!

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