A digital workspace is a secured, flexible technology framework that centralizes company assets (apps, data, desktops) for real-time remote access. Digital workspaces encompass a variety of devices and infrastructure, including virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), data centers, edge technology, and workstations. HP Anyware helps keep teams productive with secured access to their digital workspaces without a VPN, using the PCoIP protocol.
There are a number of benefits to this approach, which include:
HP Anyware is the enterprise software IT needs to keep people productive with secured access to their digital workspaces without a VPN. HP Anyware grants ultra-secure access to digital workspaces from virtually any host to any end-user device, from almost anywhere. This software solution features Anyware Manager, helping IT teams keep their people productive in an ever-changing environment.
A single management interface lets you manage access and devices from a centralized data center, eliminating the time and resources spent on OS and software updates and patches.
Have readily accessible, backup virtual workstations to ensure you're always ready to address surprise computing needs or quickly reestablish workflows by incrementally adding remote desktops.
Make recruiting and working with top international talent easier -- wherever they are -- to take advantage of tax credits, either across borders from your data centers or via a public cloud facility in a different region.
Give your creative apps a boost by consolidating your graphics workstations alongside existing cloud storage and renderfarms. Save big on equipment, logistics, and support for multiple offices orremote contractors via a central location orthe public cloud
Access go-to apps configured for multi-monitor and full frame-rate 3D graphics -- without blocky compression artifacts. Plus, critical tools, like Wacom tablets & pen displays, integrate with nearimperceptible interactive latency.
PCoIP® remote display technology delivers a highdefinition and highly responsive computing experience through challenging network conditions.
Not all remote display technologies are created equal. PCoIP® remote display technology sends only encrypted pixels to an end-user's device, keeping all data within the confines of the corporate network, cloud, or data center. Internet traffic is secured with AES-256 encryption, which meets the highest level of security standards required by governments.