The next addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America: Brave New World, is set to reach theatres on February 14, 2025 - and this Captain America adventure sees Anthony Mackie's character Sam Wilson, formerly known as Falcon, carrying the shield now that his pal Steve Rogers is retired. One of the villains he'll be going up against is the Leader, a.k.a. Samuel Sterns, with Tim Blake Nelson reprising the character he previously played in The Incredible Hulk way back in 2008. Sterns will look a bit different than he did before - in the comics, the Leader character is known to have green skin and a deformed head. During an interview with Empire, Nelson revealed that he requested practical effects be used to create his character's head.
Here's the official information on Captain America: Brave New World, straight from Marvel:
During his Empire interview, Nelson confirmed that we'll be seeing the Leader's colossal cranium in the authentically green, distended flesh. He said, ""
Producer Nate Moore, had this to say about bringing the Leader into this story, along with Liv Tyler's Betty Ross (also previously seen in The Incredible Hulk) and the character of Thaddeus Ross (Harrison Ford replaces the late William Hurt in that role): ""
Are you looking forward to seeing Tim Blake Nelson play the Leader, practical FX head and all, in Captain America: Brave New World? Let us know by leaving a comment below.