Vivid News Wave

Inbox: Things that make me go hmmm

Inbox: Things that make me go hmmm

This process creates a web app on an Android phone. A web app lives on your phone. It is easy to access. It does not always require an internet connection.

Why are we sending police out to Chic-fil-A for traffic control, and yet we don't worry about people blocking traffic on Jeffers and Dewey while trying to turn on Leota, instead of waiting for the next light. There are other streets that are just as bad, but this is an example.

Why are we paying so much for school administration and so little to educators? It is time to look at the cost of administration, and reduce the cost and increase the salary of our educators and ensure our educators are doing a good job.

Which bank or banks are getting all of the TIF funding? In order to spread the wealth and have a healthy business atmosphere, we need to insure there is more than one or two banks getting all of these profits.

Why are we selling school; property? We are looking at increasing our population with new opportunities. Does the school board think these families are not going to have school age children? Or do they want a new tax levy for new schools?

Is the city/county ever going to make a decision on Eugene Ave.? Someone needs to decide and make a move. The residents deserve an answer and an actual street. All either entity wants to do is hotpatch it. And neither cares about speeders or semi-trucks driving through on it.

How is it that a drug dealer can do 203 days on an 18-month sentence and get released. And why did he only get an 18-month sentence?

Citizens of North Platte and Lincoln County, it is time to realize these people work for us. We pay their salaries. We need to hold them accountable for their actions.

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