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People Explain Which Things From Their Childhood They Didn't Appreciate Until Later

People Explain Which Things From Their Childhood They Didn't Appreciate Until Later

As kids, we didn't know we had a good thing going until we acquired wisdom and life experiences.

But upon reflection, it's true for many people that they've taken a lot of things for granted. This epitome, of course, comes later in life and all we're to do is dream of the good 'ole days.

Curious to hear of the positive aspects of our childhood, Redditor MrCanzine asked:

"What's something from childhood you didn't appreciate until you became an adult?"

"Someone taking care of you when you are sick. When we were kids, my mom would make us a blanket nest on the couch and let us watch The Price Is Right. She'd bring us Vernors and make us grilled cheese. I didn't appreciate having someone fuss over me at the time."

"SAME! My mom would put a fresh CRISP sheet on the sofa. Clean pillowcase. And a soft blanket."

"I loved the feel of her cool hand when she'd check me for a fever."

- No-Jicama3012

"I love living by myself, but this is seriously the worst part about it. If I'm sick, I don't want to do sh*t. We all need somebody to bring us Vernors and grilled cheese."

- kadno

"My mom being alive. I miss being able to just talk to her."

- beckichino

"Ordinary days of my childhood... I would come home after school, and my mom had already prepared dinner. She would always ask how my day went, and I would happily tell her everything. After dinner, I'd go to my room, do my homework, then get dressed, do my makeup, and head out to meet my friends."

"We spent our time carefree and joyful, talking, laughing, just enjoying the moment and feeling truly happy. When I came back home, we'd chat with my parents about the day, and in my room, I'd often watch my older brother immersed in computer games, while my younger brother was busy building something out of Lego."

"At night, I'd go to bed, knowing that tomorrow would be another day filled with fun and adventure, and the only 'problems' were how to pass a math test. I miss those days..."

- ViktoriaSlavinski

"For me, it's definitely the long summer afternoons with no real responsibilities. I remember just sitting outside with friends, playing games, or doing absolutely nothing but feeling totally content."

"Back then, it seemed like time stretched on forever, but now it feels like there's never enough time to just relax and enjoy the little things. I miss that feeling of freedom without the pressure of work or deadlines."

- littlelambbxo

"Discipline. You don't always have people around you as an adult who can keep you in check. Or, if they do, it's because they're leaving your life instead of giving you another chance."

- Kpastaman

"I miss thinking of all adults as mature and responsible. It's kind of distressing realizing how so many 'adults' are really just large older children. Even more distressing when you realize these people are cops, judges, and somehow even Doctors. The world was a far less scary and distressing place when I was ignorant."

- PlayedUOonBaja

"Not being constantly scheduled or constantly having something that needs doing."

"I loved those Saturdays when I got up, watched cartoons, went outside for a bit, went over the neighbor's house to hang out, came in and did some artwork or coloring, ate dinner, took a bath and went to bed, all without a single care in the world."

"School. Especially field trips. How awesome would it be to show up at work and they said no work today, we are going to the zoo. Or a museum. Instead we get safety and HR meetings. And I kinda miss PE. I wasn't the most athletic kid but I was never picked last. Or just playing HORSE in a gym."

"I can't get any good sleep at night anymore. small sound is enough to wake me up now."

"I think about this all the time when I see kids fuss about having to take naps. They don't understand how lucky they are. I would switch places with them in a heartbeat."

- karmaapologist

"My nephews have always been able to fall asleep in the car. They are 29, 25, and 20 now, and they still can. Their baby sister who is 7 loves nothing more than staying up and filling the silence by chatting and I don't mind she's hilarious."

"Viz Top Tips; you can recreate this feeling by simply going to your neighbour's house and helping yourself to things from their fridge."


"As kids we had a big garden to play in. Now I live in a city, and I actually feel sad for my kids as their childhood is half over, and they've never had a chance to run around freely unless we take them to a park."

- bsnimunf

"Many people don't realize how special certain aspects of childhood are until they grow up. For instance, the simple joy of having no major responsibilities and the freedom to spend days playing and exploring. Time seemed endless back then, and the biggest worries were often about what games to play or what adventures to have next."

"Another thing that tends to go unappreciated is the comfort and security of having meals prepared by someone else. As adults, we often have to cook for ourselves or others, and the effort that goes into planning, shopping, and cooking becomes much more apparent."

- skinnyseashanty

"Total freedom. Yeah we got bored sometimes living in a small town but we went on so many adventures being able to freely explore with no tech to track us."

"I found out my city/suburbs friends often didn't leave home unless their parents gave them a ride somewhere before the teenage years. We were exploring in grade school."

- f*kkdissh*tt

We can't wait to grow up as kids...until there comes a point in our adulthood when we wish we could slow things down.

"I twisted my wrist by sleeping weird on it. I'm 41. Then I watch my niece who is 7 doing cartwheels and back flips on her mat indoors. She can go for hours on that thing. I wish I could bottle that energy."

- Wackydetective

"Once I tore a leg muscle by stretching. Not "exercise" stretching, it was 'i just woke up' stretching."

"I used to jump off of the garage at my cousin's house. For fun."

"Now i get shoulder pain if I lean on my elbows too much."

"I spent 2 decades morbidly obese and I have really messed up a lot of my joints permanently, I'm back at normal weight again now and most of the immediate pain and numbness is gone but the damage is done, my shoulders still hurt all the time, and arthritis will follow."

- GenericBatmanVillain

As a child of the 80s, I really appreciate in-person social interaction.

My friends and I would play in each other's backyards, and ride bikes or skateboard in front of our driveways.

Sometimes we'd get scaped up from a bad fall and cry a little from bleeding, but we'd slap a bandaid on and run back outside and continue playing.

I'm grateful for the childhood I had when I wouldn't be occupied staring at a tablet at home.

I appreciate how we were all forced to relate to one another as kids together, in person.

Technological advances in communication and interaction have been great, but I feel there's something sorely lacking when you're young and you completely rely on digital devices to validate your existence.

Is there a long-term damaging effect? Are we seeing it now? Time will tell.

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