As we age, certain things we could do back in the day would be considered weird AF to do today. So when Reddit user u/Red_Baronnsfw asked the r/AskOldPeople community, "What's one thing normal at your time but is now bizarre to even think about?" Many people provided their thoughts. Here's what they said below.
1."Smoking in hospitals and on airplanes."
2."Anytime you answered a phone, you had no idea who was calling you. Not knowing one single person's phone number -- except my vet's office of 30 years. For some reason, it is the only number I still remember. Not including Jenny's number, of course."
-- u/gametime-2001
3."Paper maps. You had to figure out your own route to where you wanted to go, and road trips seemed more of an adventure back then."
4."How utterly unsupervised we were as tiny children. I remember taking care of my brother by myself for the full summer while my parents worked starting at eight; he was four."
-- u/Shapoopadoopie
"Yes, and my parents would leave us four kids in the car while they stopped for groceries. It seemed like they were gone for a while, but I'm not sure now. At least long enough for everyone to be dared to honk the horn, run the windshield wipers, and, if we were really brave, get out and run in a circle around the car."