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Love Horoscopes For December 11, 2024 -- Venus & Mars Create Conflict For Some Zodiac Signs

Love Horoscopes For December 11, 2024  --  Venus & Mars Create Conflict For Some Zodiac Signs

The love horoscopes for December 11, 2024 reveal relationship conflicts for some of the zodiac signs due to Venus and a retrograde Mars. How might this energy impact your specific relationships on Wednesday?

Venus rules over affection, love, and romance, so when she is in Aquarius, she seeks more freedom and unconventionality in relationships. While retrograde Mars has you reflecting on the past. As Venus in Aquarius and retrograde Mars in Leo oppose each other on Wednesday, December 11, there will be an increase in chemistry and desires, but this could also lead to greater tension and arguments.

Avoid arguments today and pay close attention to any triggers you may feel, especially if you tend to run more avoidant or anxious. This energy can help you become aware of your hidden needs in a relationship, but it may also make you less patient or thoughtful in approaching it with your partner. Now, let's see what's in store for each zodiac sign on Wednesday.

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Today, dear Aries, you may have some new opinions about love and relationships. While you are still moving through a period of closing out your romantic past or becoming aware that a break-up may be in your future, there is a positive change coming.

The opinions and realizations about love and relationships today help to open your mind to a new form of commitment and may make you take a second look at your love life.

Give yourself time and know that today is only about understanding these new ideas and not necessarily acting on them just yet.

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Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

A fire is beginning to burn within your soul, Taurus, as you feel drawn to focus more on your life and what you want. The only issue is that today, especially, it may end up causing issues in your relationship.

Although it feels that you are still figuring out if this relationship is one you want to continue, you also don't want to make this process harder on yourself.

Be aware of what you prioritize today, and try to talk to your partner about it ahead of time, especially if you have to work late or have other obligations, as this could save you from an argument that serves no benefit.

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Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

It may have felt like your partner can't keep up with you recently, sweet Gemini. Although you have an incredibly unique energy, you haven't given your partner a chance to show you that they want this relationship to work.

Today, you will be spurred to start discussing and planning for your future. You have amazing ideas, but it doesn't mean your partner feels the same energy now.

Instead of letting this cause a greater rift in your connection, focus on what you can plan for yourself rather than being upset because your partner can't participate in the ways you are craving. The challenges in communication today don't have to carry a greater meaning unless you want them to.

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Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

You may find yourself acting in more rebellious ways today, dear Cancer. The amount of freedom you are experiencing in your life could feel intoxicating.

This may lead you to pursue a short-term fling or connection about joy and having fun. While this isn't a bad idea, just be sure you're not fooling yourself about your feelings because if you want a fling, you also need to be confident that your heart isn't looking for more.

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Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

In moments of high tension in your relationship, there is always a greater lesson at play, dear Leo. You can use today's energy to discuss something weighing on your relationship; however, it could also cause an argument you didn't intend to get into.

Today's energy will especially impact you, so if you want to continue your relationship, be very mindful of any conversations you have. It may also be beneficial to see more of your partner's perspective rather than only making this situation about yourself.

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Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

A dreamy and sleepy aura surrounds you today, Virgo, and may make you feel less than ambitious about romance. This energy would provide a great break as you can rest and take care of yourself in ways you haven't been able to recently.

You want to ensure you're not letting your partner down if you cancel plans or seem withdrawn. Try to be proactive in saying what you need during this time. Otherwise, you could take your frustrations out on the one you love.

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You may be ready to end a significant connection in your life, Libra. But as ready as you are, you're not ending this connection but finally admitting your feelings to those close to you. This will help build your confidence and confirm your decision if it feels challenging to open up.

You don't always have to keep everything to yourself or make it seem like you're in the perfect relationship. It's enough just to be honest and let those who care about you truly be there to support you.

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Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Something big is beginning to shift in your life, Scorpio. You know you've wanted to change your life but haven't yet understood how to begin or how it would all work out. The universe allows you to focus on yourself through professional opportunities that would allow you to create the changes you want in your personal life.

This will allow you to honor more of your truth and get out of a situation that has been weighing on you. You only need to make sure you take this opportunity from the universe rather than being afraid of what it may mean for your life.

You may be quieter than normal today, sweet Sagittarius, but that is okay. Take the time you need to reflect, not just on the past year, but on the choices that have led you to this moment. You are given a gift of greater understanding of the chances you've taken and those you haven't.

You will also understand more about what you authentically need: the power to change your romantic future. Rather than doing anything today, try to give yourself plenty of time for reflection to truly honor what you deserve from love.

There will be an increase in the depth of your connection with your partner today, Capricorn. Although you've still been protecting your heart or letting the past play a role in what you have agreed to, it seems today offers you a breakthrough moment.

Take a moment to reflect on what your partner brings to your life, and then let your actions show them how much they mean to you. This would be a wonderful day to schedule some quality time with one another and to let yourself truly show your partner you are ready to go all in on this relationship.

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Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Obstacles occur in the healthiest of relationships, Aquarius. So, it's not that they occur but how you move through them that is most significant. You may feel an obstacle arising in progressing your relationship in the ways you desire or dream of.

Plan for the future. You no longer have to hold back in your relationship. Instead of shutting down or looking for an easy out, try to talk to your partner about your feelings. The more transparent you can be today, the more likely you'll avoid a significant issue or break-up.

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Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

You are a lover and a giver by nature, sweet Pisces, but you may have been overdoing it recently. Today is your chance to call your energy back to yourself. Reflect on how balanced or reciprocal your relationship has become, and take a moment to listen to what your intuition has been guiding you to do.

This doesn't mean that you are headed for a break-up or are meant to be single, but it's time to start giving yourself all the love you've always given others.

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